Here at Ai Bagel, our dough is made with only the bare necessities; no eggs, no dairy, no oil and no additives. That’s why you can really taste the quality of our ingredients; homegrown pure wheat flour in perfect balance with exquisite add-ins. Enjoy the great taste and texture of an Ai Bagel. “But bagels can be so hard!” That’s the opinion of those who haven’t experienced the unique texture of an Ai Bagel. Our bagels are firm but springy, something you can really bite your teeth into. “But how come your bagels are so good!?!” We are so glad to hear that kind of comment from our customers! Here at Ai Bagel, our aim is to make only the best product. We put our hearts into making each Ai Bagel and our customers can taste the difference. We want people all over country to experience the taste and texture of an Ai Bagel. Turn your breakfast into something special with Ai Bagel. “But frozen bagels can’t be good!” Oh, yes they can! We’re here to tell you the best way to prepare your Ai Bagel. Most importantly, completely defrost your bagel, either in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Then toast it to your liking in the toaster or oven. Don’t be tempted to pop your frozen bagel in the microwave! The bagel will harden and lose its unique texture. If you’re really in a hurry, you may slightly defrost the bagel in the microwave but do finish it in the toaster or oven. But for that bagel shop experience, let it defrost naturally before toasting.エントリーするだけでポイントプラス10倍!!12/21 9:59まで限定クーポン!